
Complete the campaign and get the rewards.

1. How to use

① Tap after checking the game and the description of the campaign that you wish to complete.

② Download and start the game.

③ In the case of quest type campaigns, play the game and complete the quests.

④ You can get the rewards from the 'Free Rewards' when you restart the game after completing the campaign.

2. Please Note

① In the case of start-the-game type campaigns, the rewards will be sent only after installing and starting the game within 24 hours after clicking the game at the 'Free Rewards.'  

② In the case of quest type campaigns, the game must be installed and started within 24 hours after clicking the game, and the rewards will be sent only after completing the quests within 30 days after clicking the game.

③ You must start the game and go to the Main Title to get rewards.

④ Please collect the rewards within 7 days after being sent, because they will expire afterwards.

3. If you didn't receive the rewards

The rewards will be automatically sent to the in-game Inbox after completing the campaigns. 

Please try the troubleshooting steps below if you didn't receive the rewards.

① Quit and restart the game.

② Tap on the 'Free Rewards.'

③ Check if the completed campaign is displayed in the 'Free Rewards.'

※ If the completed campaign is displayed: It is possible that there were issues regarding the campaign. Please try again via the 'Free Rewards' after deleting, reinstalling, and restarting the game.

※ If the completed campaign is not displayed: It is possible that the rewards were not sent, although the campaign was completed normally. Please wait about 10 min. and restart the game. If this doesn't solve the issue, please contact the Customer Support.

4. If you cannot collect the rewards

① The game was not installed and started within 24 hours after clicking the campaign in the 'Free Rewards.'

② The game was installed previously on your device.

③ The game was installed by following a different path other than the 'Free Rewards.'